Funding for Professional Development

Is there a program you would like to participate in, a class you’d like to take or conference you want to attend? Apply for a Springboard Professional Development Grant and we will help you fund your experience. Send an email to to learn more.

Learning Resources

Online Program Toolkit 

Springboard's Online Program Toolkit was designed to support facilitation of online programming by professionals, teens and layleaders. Email to schedule a one-on-one consultation for your virtual progamming or to suggest the inclusion of additional resources.

M2: Institute for Experiential Jewish Education Seminar Highlights

Instrinsic Motivation

Springboard Seminar on Intrinsic Motivation

Group Formation

Springboard Seminar on Group Formation

See3New LinkNew Link Workshop on Instagram & Snapchat: Video PDF

See3 Workshop on Event Marketing: Video PDF

See3 Workshop on Paid Ads: Video PDF

Mentorship Opportunities

Springboard is happy to faclitate mentorship opportunities for youth professionals to work with skilled Chicagoland professionals and lay leaders. Mentors can help youth professionals develop new skills, expand their professional networks and gain exposure to additional career options. Springboard staff will pair mentor-mentees based on career compatibility, experience level, and area of interest. Pairs are encouraged to meet for monthly conversations (either in person or via phone/videoconference. Mentorship pairs will be supported by Springboard staff in order to offer resources and suggestions to help the pair build a successful mentorship. 

Concierge ChatBubbles
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